
I feel like life for the last two or threeish years hasn't given me time to catch my breath. You know...like something happens and life turns slowly back into a new normal, and you breath in this great big breath thinking you've got it covered now... then blam! You don't have time to breath out because somethin else came along and smacked you across the face. 

Then you kind of gasp and tears come cuz it hurts. But you've done this before so you recover quick and shake the fuzziness out of your head as best you can and focus on the next thing. Like reading the next chapter in homework. Or watching a movie with your little sister. Or doing yard work for your grandma. And you look at your wrist where you wrote "belonging to God" in blue pen ink. And you smile and head out to face the next thing because life is great anyways...how can it not be if you belong to God? 

And by the way, my little sisters are all becoming old. Ania's 6, Alissa's 15 today, and Mia's turning 9. Not ok. Not ok at all actually. 

Look at her...she's still my baby sister except not...


Abbie said...

Wow. That photo of Ania is absolutely TOO CUTE. I can't believe how big she's getting!!

Kristine said...

I love that picture of Ani. She is totally looking like a little girl. And I think it's very sweet that you think they should all stay young forever. And it's a very good thing that wishing they would stay young has absolutely NO influence on their aging or else we would have to mud wrestle or something. I'm eagerly waiting for Ani to hit a maturity level where I can actually ... well, have her look at me and say, "Ok" when I tell her to do something! Akkkkk!

Annie said...

Awww....love that little girl, love her big sister, and LOVE the God who carries us through each and every day, happy or sad. <3