Whipped cream. That stuff just makes my day.
For some people it's chocolate. They hold the firm conviction that anything dipped in chocolate must be good.
But for me...it's whip...you can squirt it on top of anything and life just takes on a whole new look.
Even just hearing an empty bottle getting squished and blowing air in a garbage bag is happy.
What's even better is asking a customer if they want whip on their nonfat drink...and then getting an embarrassed smile and a "sure." The ones that ones that look shocked and shake their head as if nonfat with whip would be a sin, just don't know anything about life.
Ever see a little kid's eyes when you hand um a hot chocolate with whip on top of the lid? ...and then their parents can't resist and lick half of it off.
After a while doing the whip becomes an art. You shake the bottle, twirl into the nozzle down position, make fast little circles with your wrist, and swing it upright again with a flourish. If you're really good you can even throw it over your shoulder and make it look like a cool trick you practiced.
I am the freak who says,"Oh, no whip cream please" but I love it when someone squirts it into my mouth... I am just weird like that!
I LOVE WHIPPED CREAM!!!!!!!!!! And yes, it can totally make my day :)
Oh, i admit I'm the "oh NO whip cream" and love chocolate instead. But I loved your post nonetheless!
"and then it hit the counter and the head broke off!" - you crack me up lol!
Ya...but then i put it back on. Haha...I'm so nice.
You were avoiding evidence being detected. :P
ya but you weren't exactly sposed to point that out...
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