
Yesterday it was sunny and I found out I actually had most of the day off work. (*happy dance in the kitchen*) So I put on two sweaters and a hat and a coat and a scarf. And road my creaky ancient bike down to the beach and sat there eating lunch and reading C.S. Lewis. It made me feel pretty charming.


Abbie said...

I envy that when you have free time you spend it reading. I wish I were more like you. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Kaisha... your so cute. I can totally see you doing that.

Kristine said...

It depends what you were wearing as to whether you were charming or not. :) Do tell.

Alissa said...

nice boots!

Brenda said...

I don't care that you rode to the beach on a bike or that you read CS Lewis. I don't care how many sweaters you wore. None of that matters. The only thing that really matters is THOSE BOOTS! Now THOSE are worth a whole blog post in themselves! Ya, the other details are good filler, but I need to hear more about the boots.

. me . said...

oooh Aunt Brenda...the boots are even better in real life. you have no idea.