...an IM conversation between Mia and I...
Mia: Yo Kaisha
This is Mia
Speak to me
this is Mia
me: geez...
i'm not a babe
Mia: sorry
me: lol
just kidding...
Mia: I was being kinda weird lol
I was right <3
me: you are weird
you were right?
about what?
Mia: ya
that I was weird
me: oh ya. you were weird
but that's normal for you
so whatever
Mia: ok
So there
Mia: oh man
Kaisha It is time for me to go to the bottom of the pit. SCHOOL!!!! I don't like school. So can you say just one word before I go to the bottom of the pit. Because there vowing that I will die.
please talk to me
me: i died
Mia: oh thats okay
me: oh good
Mia: ya I Know i'm all nice and stuff
its okay but now I need to go to the pit of school and Ania is begging me to get her on to a computer program so bye and maybe talk to you later
me: bye
Mia: bye so sad so bad
if i die in the school pit will you forgive everything I ever did to you
???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????
me: of course i will