
Curls and Sparkles

Necessities for a Christmas party: curls and sparkly dresses. Mia has both. If only the party had not been canceled, her majesty would definately have stollen the show!


Anonymous said...

Wow she looks beautiful!

And speaking of beautiful, happy birthday to the beautiful birthday girl!!! Love you SOOO much!

Kristine said...

:) thanks!

Annie said...

Awww...girls and their fancy dresses...LOVE it! :)
I'll join Abbie in wishing you a very happy birthday today! I thank God for bringing you into my life and look forward to spending more time with you again soon. God Bless!

Historian Anne said...

Well, quite the princess! :)
Merry Christmas Thomas family!

. me . said...

oops...i seem to have been signed into my mom's google account when I said "thanks" for the birthday wishes! :)