If you know me very well at all, you know that I've always wanted a truck. A Ford Ranger truck. Don't ask me why. It's just the way it is. But recently my mom asked what I would think about a yellow VW Bug...there's one sitting at a gas station for sale in my price range. And now life has become very complicated. What do you think?
The Bug
The Ranger
THE BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is way too cute to give up!
Collin and I stopped and peaked in the bug's windows. Totally cute. Has a little vase for a flower! The seats are black leather. It's in really good condition. 131,000 miles. Has a cute little back seat. How do the two cars compare for gas mileage?
I looked up gas and it depends mostly on the year and whether the bug is automatic or stick. It gets anything from like 20-35.
why would u want the truck?? thats weird for a girl do the bug
I dunno. I've always wanted a truck. I guess it comes with always wanting a horse??? And I admit, if I got a truck it really wouldn't be that cool looking.
You definitely need both. The bug is for those days you are off to get coffee with your girlfriends. The truck is for those days you're on a mission and nothing can stop you. :)
The BUG! the BUG! the BUG!!!!
GO WITH THE BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU'D LOOK SO CUTE DRIVING A BUG!!!!!!!!!!! hehe although i like the ranger, too....
A bug! With a yellow daisy in the vase! It has to be just about one of the most cheerful cars...looks like a little bit of sunshine driving down the road. :D I wonder how comfy they are to drive? They look a big low to the ground???
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