

I was walking along...
...and then i fell.
I bet you can't do that.


Amanda said...

Kaisha, you look so pathetic in this picture! I love it! I mean the picture, not the fact that you got hurt!

Abbie said...

Oh, Kaish'. Priceless.

Are you SURE we aren't biologically related?? :D

P.s. Sorry about your knee. ;(

. me . said...

haha! I'm fine... :) It wasn't that bad.

Annie said...

Oh yes I can! :)
Poor Kaishy... :(

Corina said...

WHAT skill! :-D

Historian Anne said...

oh,, how painful! Poor dear.

Kristine said...

Ok ... use your best Napoleon voice imitation and say, "... walking skills... "

Isaacme said...

You and Nicole (with her chair tipping skills) should form a road show. JK