
Writing...for reals

About a month ago my books, notebook, and first assignment arrived in the mail from the institute of Children's Literature! Yay! I got a letter from my personal instructor who will mentor me through the entire course. I get to write her, and she will cater to my needs and goals for writing. I'm supposed to send her my assignments, and she will critique then mail them back. They say that by the end of the course I will have at least one work published. Weird! I can't believe I'm actually going to be working on real stories that might actually get read! I've really enjoyed the first assignment. First, I'm supposed to write a letter about myself to my instructor. Just an introduction so that she can get to know me. The second part of the assignment is designed so that you don't get stuck on what to write about. Three pictures are included in the notebook. I choose one and base a story off of it. I can deviate as much as I want from the picture or stick as closely as I want to it. It's basically just something to get you thinking right away. I chose the middle age group illustration. It's a simple picture of a barnyard with stormy clouds looming in the background. A man stands in the barn door, and two children and a couple animals run toward him. My story's almost done, I just need to finish it up and get it sent off by next week when the assignment is due! We'll see how it turns out!


Anonymous said...

I am soooooo excited about this, Kaish', and trying not to be jealous that you get to fulfill our mutual dream. :) Can't wait for you to be an authoress!!

Historian Anne said...

wow how fun! you should talk to the Gray girls who are doing some works themselves they might be interested!

Annie said...

I want to make an advance pre-order on your first book and am willing to pay mucho dinero for the debut work of Kaisha, soon-to-be queen of the bestseller list! :)
Way to go, Kaish!

Shelby said...

Oh that is so fun Kaishy!!! I'd love to read what you've written?! Ohhh wow! Maybe you should bid on who will pay the most? :P

. me . said...

lol! You guys are so cute! No...I'm not sure that this one is really worth buying...:) How about I just give you free copies of my bestseller someday! :)

Annie said...

Even better! I accept! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. That's all I have to say. Jealous. I am. Hugs, Marie :o)