My dear friend Kelsey tagged me in this 4x4 game. I had to go to my pictures, choose the fourth folder, the fourth picture, and blog about it. This is my fourth picture. Pretty huh? These are the painstakingly shined pieces to my dad's motorcycle that he's fixing up. Everyone ooh and ahhh at the shininess! If you're around my house for very long, you're probably going to be asked to come and see his motorcycle. He's finally finished taking apart and shining the pices, and has started putting it back together! .
Ok...the last part of the game is to tag 4 other people: therefore...I tag... My mom, Marie, Nicole, else hasn't been tagged? Um...Tara!
Now I feel hurt. He didn't ask me to see his motorcycle when I was there yesterday. *pout pout*
So fun!
Do you mean me, Tara? Is so I am so excited!!! I'll work on that, even if you meant another Tara! :) Wright! :) I was trying to think of people that wouldn't have been tagged yet!
nice photo!! :) i would so have no patience for all that tedious monotonous painting. Your dad is amazing. wow!!
Please blog again!!!!!!
don't just takes a while for a flash of brilliance to hit.
Umm, so I REALLY wanna know who anonymous is...and I REALLY want you to post again!!
I am someone! that's for sure.
I've gotta couple ideas in my skull, but they require pictures that aren't taken...which requires time which I don't have much of...
Okay..... even if you don't have pictures.... just blog about randome stuff. Like the 4x4 thing. Do like an 8x8!
Hey don't happen to have 4.5 children do you??? :)
I dont have any children.
I'm a little concerned...anonymous just needs to reveal him/her self.
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