
More Tea

I adore snow. It makes a good excuse for scarves, hot chocolate, snow boots, books, Starbucks, blankets, and mittens. So, with the flakes coming down, Mommy gone on arends, and Alissa and Ania just coming in from playing with the goats, hot cocoa was a necessity. After throwing some pots, milk, and chocolate around for a while and generally making a mess, the cocoa was ready, and poured into Christmas mugs. Upon being served her little mug of chocolate, Ani stuck her finger in to sample the whipped cream. Pretty soon she was done and calling out, "More TEA! More TEA!" The cocoa was still in her cup,but the whip was gone. Several times through the course of a half hour, the call for "More TEA!" came loudly from a corner of the dining room, followed by the sound of a whipped cream bottle.


Shelby said...

Awww your little sister is so cute! I can picture her enjoying her "tea". Fun post!

Anonymous said...

cuteness! Way to give her lots of whip. You are a fun sister!

Balvanz said...

cuteness :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kaish, this is why I miss having a 3 year old in the house. Every home should have one. Give her all the whip she wants. That's my vote. How often do we get snow and hot chocolate in one day? Way to make those sister memories.

Stormgirl said...

Oooh... so cute!! I love it!! I want more "tea" too in my cocoa! :D

Historian Anne said...

Darling! Tea? He he, some English Gent would be quite taken aback!
Love the pic of the Starbucks cup, love that coffee shop with its red Christmas cups!

Anonymous said...

Dont you love snow......

hannah said...

i want more tea too!