
Over the next few posts I plan to introduce my family. I know most of you reading this know everything there is to know about my family, but because they're so important to me you get to meet them anyways!
This is my Ani-Girl. (Ania Marie) She's 3. And smart. Definitely a computer geek in the making. She can click on the iTunes icon down by the start button, get the music playing and click on the button that makes the album covers full screen. That's her favorite view. She has an ancient laptop, and will sit and type on it for long periods of time, during which we can find some precious moments to clean up the messes she's made. She also loves music. She asks for it all the time, and will get mad if you change songs when she was enjoying the one that was just playing. She can carry a tune and sing most of the words to songs by one of Collin's new favorite artists: Stellar Kart. She also sits at the piano and plunks out prettier tunes than I could without black notes in front of me! She loves being chased around the living room by roaring siblings, sitting on laps with blankies during a movie, and begging food off anyone who happens to be chefing it up in the kitchen. October 14th will be her three year "gotcha day" anniversary! Her newest thing to say (she has a small vocabulary) is "Yur FAT!" A mischievous grin comes over her face before she announces it, then giggles erupt when you say back, "No you're fat!" The answer is then of course, "No, yur fat!" Her adorable grins and silly faces easily make up for her passionate temper. We love our Ania!
One of her good friends, "Pink Puppy" poses in pictures with Ania on vacation in Idaho this summer.


Anonymous said...

And if you start it by telling her that she's fat she agrees. :) I just tryed it. :)

Anonymous said...

I love it Kaisha! Keep a-blogging. It all is beautifully written and that last pic of Ania with Pink Puppy is awesome! Hugs, Marie

Anonymous said...

Hey Kaish! I appreciate the way you worded your "about me". I've read a lot of those in my day :o) and they all try to say the same thing as you perhaps, but they combine normal everyday intrests with God stuff making it all feel awkward as though God were a side note, one on a list of interests. But yours both gives us a window into the delightful and unique person God made you, and shows the world Who your God is, giving HIm due respect as the reason you live, He is your delight. (for lack of better words) I don't know how to say it, yours is different. Way to go!

Mom said i should start a blog. funny huh? ;o) i shall when i have time to be articulate.

Annie said...

Aren't little girls so fun? And soooo cute!!! :)
It's been forever since I've seen Ania and she's become quite grown up in that time! What a sweetie.
Will you share? :)

Balvanz said...

Hooray for a computer geek in the making!!! :)